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Learn to Plan Incredible Trade Show and Pop-Up Shop Experiences that Build Your Audience

Trade Shows and Pop-Up Shops Is a Video Masterclass that Will Put You Back in Control of Your Exposure as an Artist and Increase Your Customer Base


Do you feel like your artistic success is tied to being “picked” by someone else?


If so, you’re not alone! Most artists feel this way. You’ve been taught that you need permission from gatekeepers (like galleries) or that you need to have a lucky break in order to be seen. Your success lives or dies on whether you get “picked.”

You want more control over your exposure and the opportunity to build an audience. If you don’t get it, your art business won’t last. It will be one among thousands of creative dreams that die based on a failure to gain traction.

There’s a better way to be seen, known, and followed by people who will LOVE your art. And it’s based on experiences that you create, not on fickle attention from popular influencers or venues.

You can craft unforgettable experiences that showcase your art by utilizing the power of trade shows and pop-up shops.


My name is Noah Elias, and I started selling art door-to-door when I was sixteen years old. I didn’t have the money to put my work in a gallery. I didn’t have the connections to be “picked” and get attention for my art business.

Instead, I learned to work with business owners and capture the attention of audiences in dynamically different ways.

The results speak for themselves. Over the past 30 years, I’ve worked with Disney, LucasFilm, Ltd., and have painted cars for The and The Furious movie franchise. I’ve worked with other big brands such as Lexus, Toyota, MTV, and Microsoft. The business I built has ultimately offered me both artistic freedom and high profit margins.

No matter where you are on your artistic journey, I believe that you can gain control of your exposure and build an audience that will buy your work for years to come.

And I’d like to show you how.

Introducing the Trade Shows and Pop-Up Shops
Video Masterclass for Getting Attention and Attracting Customers

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Ultimate Trade Show Tips

  • How to get exposure for FREE in your community
  • Best practices for setting up your work at a convention
  • Calculating your costs and margin for trade shows
  • How to determine which products to bring (and create pricing tiers)
  • Tips for how to sell your products at the show
  • How to estimate your revenue and expenses before you even sign up
  • How to create a positive customer experience at the show
  • How to collect email addresses and build your audience
  • Evaluating your traffic and sales to strategizing for future shows
  • Tools to use that make transaction reporting and sales tax filing easy

Pop-Up Shop Know-How

  • The crazy advantages of hosting private experiences versus being in a gallery
  • How to plan an incredible “VIP” pop-up shop experience
  • Finding a unique space and working with hosts or property owners
  • Who to invite, how to invite them, and how to prepare them to buy
  • How to increase your sales through a boutique, exclusive opportunity
  • The virtues of bringing your art to people instead of waiting for them to find you
  • Key strategies for attracting people to your pop-up events
  • Creative ideas for engaging people who can’t come to your shows

Steve Quartly – Quartly Fine Art/Professional Fine Artist

“I have known many artists and creative‘s at Noah’s level. I consider him a great friend and a part of my inner circle . After spending time with Noah I leave inspired and motivated to take on the world for my purpose. God has given me gifts and a purpose and there’s no time to waste. There is no doubt, Noah has been gifted mentoring creatives in the business world.”

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Trade Shows and Pop-Up Shops now!

Trade Shows and Pop-Up Shops


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  • Instant Access to all 4 Modules 
  • PDF Workbook Download
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Monthly Subscription

  • INSTANT Course Access to:
    - The Art of Publishing
    - Trade Shows and Pop-up Shops
    - VIP Events
    - T3: Time, Talent, and Treasure
    - 31 Disciplines Challenge
    - Fearhunters Companion Course
  • PDF Resource Downloads
  • *No Contract. No Hassle.

*There are no refunds for digital products.

If at any time you wish to cancel your monthly subscription, a minimum 72-hour cancellation notice is recommended to avoid any unwanted charges.
Upon cancellation, all course access will be revoked.

*Course subscription does not include access to The Profitable Artist Course.

What Would It Be Like If You Could Finally Gain Control Over Your Exposure as an Artist?

If you feel like you’ve been hamstrung by a lack of “permission” and opportunities, ask yourself these questions:

  • What would it be like to get the full attention of your audience instead of sharing it for weak returns at a gallery?
  • How would it feel to start earning loyal customers and chart your path toward expanding your art business (instead of just trying to survive)?
  • How much would it matter if you could create unforgettable experiences and start making high-leverage connections through exclusive events?

I’ve been where you are. If you’re willing to invest in these strategies and do the work, you can build your audience and truly develop the art business of your dreams.

Stop Waiting for Permission and Start Hosting Your Own Incredible Experiences with Help from This Video Masterclass!


Deann Hebert – Professional Artist/Publisher

"This program taught me to create an online store and start selling my product online, 24 hours a day, while I slept! and it has been amazing. It absolutely works. The knowledge I’ve gained through this has been priceless.”