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Join me for a 31 Day Challenge

As a creative, do you sometimes feel like you’re just trying to keep your head above water? Walk with me through one discipline a day from my newest book "31 Disciplines of Highly Successful Creatives". 



  • Wondered how on earth to manage the dynamics of life while staying creative
  • Struggled with maintaining focus (or even figuring out what to focus on!)
  • Been stumped, confused, or exhausted as you work to “do it all”
  • Wanted to do the work you love without sacrificing your sanity or family life…

… then this book and challenge is perfect for you.



The lifestyle we live has some serious ups and downs. I know exactly how it feels to try to build a successful creative business, raise a family, and produce great art at the same time.

That’s why I wrote my latest book, 31 Disciplines of Highly Successful Creatives. I understand what it takes to survive and thrive on this creative journey -- and I want to share all my secrets with you with a CHALLENGE!

My mission is to provide you with hope on a daily basis that will help you renew your mind, outlook, and approach to your time, talent, and money.

I would love to spend time with you, putting wind in your sail each morning as you and your family start your day.

Are you in and ready to take this 31 Day Challenge with me?


When I was a young artist, I wish I’d had access to resources like these. I endured the twists and turns, the emotional highs and lows, and the professional victories and gaffes that accompany the process of building a creative business and meeting life’s daily demands. When I found balance and success, I had other entrepreneurs and artists asking me how I did it — and since then, I’ve been doing everything I could to pour into their lives and contribute to their success. This challenge is the starter for your journey!

I want you to escape the fears and pains that almost completely derailed me — to learn these lessons quickly and find a way to impact the world with what you do. There’s only one YOU on this planet… and we need what you have to give! This challenge is designed to help you overcome the obstacles that keep you from blessing others with your creative gifts and realizing your full potential.

I’m rooting for you!

Noah Elias is a world-class airbrush artist and celebrated speaker who began selling art door-to-door on my bike when he was sixteen years old. Over thirty years, he built his business to the point where he was working with Disney, Universal Pictures, Microsoft, and other major brands. Now he helps other creatives sharpen their artistic skills, launch their businesses, move from success to significance, and create truly fulfilling balanced lives.

Noah lives with his wife and two children in Orange County, California, where he coaches elite-level entrepreneurs and hosts art events at Disney’s Epcot Center.

Here’s What You’ll Walk Away With

If you’re anything like the vast majority of creatives I’ve met, you have tons of great ideas but struggle with organizing and prioritizing them. You’re bursting with talent, but you have trouble being routinely productive at work and present with your family.

You don’t need more motivation or to work harder. You need a system.

When you engage in the 31 Disciplines Challenge, you’ll walk away with…

  • The ability to be highly productive while GROWING your creative energy.
  • Extreme clarity on what to create next, which will pay dividends into the future.
  • Permission to be completely present with your family and invest in them.
  • Increased QUALITY of work and ideas… you finally get to be your best, consistently!
  • No more frustration from waiting around for “the muse” or feeling burnt out and empty.
  • A framework for producing high quality work on a regular basis. (YES, it’s possible!)
  • Proven principles that will keep you on track — recharged, pumped up, and productive.
  • The ability to prioritize what matters most and ENJOY both your life and work (FINALLY).

Say good-bye to the TENSION of feeling like work is always pulling you away from your loved ones. Say good-bye to dozens of hours wasted because you’re playing “whack-a-mole” with your ideas and you can’t decide what to work on. Say good-bye to the extreme highs and lows that tank your productivity and make your working pace unsustainable.

Take the 31 Disciplines Challenge now to get the principles, structure, and system you need to make your creative life — and your WHOLE life — more productive and fulfilling for the long-term.

You can do it — just like I did. I’m in your corner!



Day 1: Managing Expectations

Day 2: Overcoming Fear is Essential to Grow

Day 3: Know Thy Calling

Day 4: Chase Impact, Not Income

Day 5: Don't Wait for Inspiration to Create and Launch

Day 6: Actively Pursue Wisdom and Sharpen Your Axe

Day 7: Don't Settle for the Status Quo

Day 8: Your Greatest Asset

Day 9: The Power of Your Story

Day 10: Create Systems

Day 11: Early Bird Gets the Worm

Day 12: Hack Your Email and Social Media

Day 13: Time Mastery vs. Time Management

Day 14: Focused Work

Day 15: Self-Imposed Deadlines

Day 16: Get Naked in Relationships

Day 17: Negotiating: Lead With A Feather But Have a Hammer in Your Back Pocket

Day 18: The Power of Over-Communication

Day 19: Pull the Weeds in Relationships

Day 20: Conquering Life's Rogue Waves

Day 21: The Ripple Effect of Your Integrity

Day 22: Exercise Your Mind and Body

Day 23: Your #1 Client: Your Spouse

Day 24: Investing in "Best Days" With Your Kids

Day 25: Yearly Retreat: Self and Business Inventory

Day 26: Avoid the Comparison Trap

Day 27: If it Doesn't Have Your Name on it, Get Rid of it ASAP

Day 28: Broker Other People's Expertise

Day 29: Toys: Rent, Don't Buy

Day 30: Make Customers the King

Day 31: Wisdom is the Greatest Product You Will Ever Sell




Video Course + Physical Book


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  • "31 Disciplines of Highly Successful Creatives" Book (shipped out upon purchase)
  • Downloadable PDF version of the book while you wait for your physical book to arrive.
  • 31 Daily Challenge Videos
  • PDF Workbook Download

Video Course + Digital Book


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  • 31 Daily Challenge Videos
  • PDF Workbook Download
  • Access to the content with no expiration date.

Perfect if you already have my book.


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