FREE SPECIAL WEBINAR: Encore presentation


Kingdom Operating System: How to gain freedom from financial fear

Encore presentation

Presented by Noah Elias

Are Financial Fears Plaguing Your Life and Creative Work?

Worries about money can push our lives out of balance. Too often, we find ourselves seeking success with no end date, engaged in a rat race of our own making.

And the moment we finally get what we wanted, we realize how empty it is… and then imagine that more and better is over the next hill… if we can just get there. We wake up each day and try again, hoping that we become lucky or strike a vein of gold. 

But what if you were able to engage in your creative career with a satisfying purpose and put your life back into balance? What if you found the ultimate Biblical cheat code to unlock your financial freedom so you could use your finances as a blessing — instead of seeing them as a curse or burden?

You can… and during this special online event, I’d like to show you how!

What You’ll Learn During This Special Webinar


When you join me for this webinar, you’ll learn…

  • How to discover the Kingdom Operating System that set our family into a life of impact using our business as a mission. 
  • How to steward your time, talent, and treasure for eternal impact
  • How to grow that wealth so that it has a eternal outcomes not just more comfort

Just FYI: This isn’t a financial presentation about stocks or budgeting. It’s about adopting a worldview where you can discover, grow, give and receive the blessings God wants to entrust to you.

Prepare to leave your financial fears behind and embrace a completely new, extremely liberating paradigm!

My name is Noah Elias, and I want to teach you how to use your creativity and finances to make a positive impact on the world.

I started my business over 30 years ago, selling art door-to-door when I was sixteen years old. I now create works with Disney, and LucasFilm, Ltd., and have painted cars for movies like Too Fast, Too Furious. I’ve worked with other big brands such as Lexus, Toyota, MTV, and Microsoft. I used all the winnings of being an entrepreneur and launched a media agency and mentorship to help others make an impact. 

But it wasn’t always that way…

The truth is that I spent far too many years in survival mode. I knew I was wired by God for more but couldn’t crack the code of the scarcity and poverty mindset. 

I hit a crisis point. Cash flow and financial challenges were running my life and business. I was so concerned about being a provider that I made my business my first love while forsaking my calling and true purpose. My family and marriage were getting the leftovers. 

The business took off, but success didn’t mean significance… and productive didn’t mean fruitful. I realized we were wealthy but spiritually broke. That's when things became terrifying because success wasn’t what I thought it would be.

Financial success doesn’t guarantee purpose. I had reached the top of the ladder of success only to realize the  ladder was leaned up against the building of “self.” It put me on the path of discovering my life’s mission and how my God-given abilities could be used to have a significant positive impact on other people’s lives.

I had to adopt and execute every decision on a new operating system that had been available to me in Scripture. 

Now I’d like to share my story with you so that you can break free from the rat race, financial fears, and an imbalanced life to realize your true purpose and impact!

You can use this operating system immediately and see transformation in your approach to your faith, family, relationships, and business.


You should join me if…

  • You regularly worry about how you’re going to make more money
  • You’re constantly thinking about how to be more successful
  • Your work life distracts you from your family, health, and spiritual life
  • Your achievements never seem to be “enough” 
  • You base your self-worth on your “net worth”
  • You base your identity on how well your business and career performs
  • You feel plagued with over-thinking how to solve the infinite  income riddle 
  • You feel fear losing what you already have
  • You obsess about how your future will turn out
  • You feel lost without a clear path to success and significance
  • You feel anxiety more than you know you should
  • You become triggered and emotional when finances are brought up
  • You feel faith and finances cannot co-exist
  • You feel stuck on a hamster wheel of being a provider and not living your true calling 

Get ready for a major breakthrough!

What people are saying

“As a Christian entrepreneur, there are certain biblical truths that you know need to be incorporated in your life and business, but it’s not always clear how to accomplish this practically. After hearing Noah’s talk on the Kingdom Operating System, things just clicked. Noah combines overarching life vision with a practical application together in his own unique way to show how it’s possible to move into the patterns and systems that the Lord always intended for us as believers in the Kingdom of God.”

- Tyler N.


“The Kingdom Operating System is amazing! It has helped me prioritize my day-to-day living with eternal rewards in mind.”

- Michael D.


“Great motive check. It helped to ask the deeper questions of how am I using my business for God's Kingdom.”

- Jeremy H.

“This talk was a milestone moment in my life. I have been pursuing a deeper understanding of a Godly mindset around money for the past 2 years. This talk brought the clarity I was looking for.”

- Ned S.


“What impacted me the most is getting my house in order with building solid foundations. The foundation of mind, body, soul, and spirit. Working and being intentional with what I do around those 4 pillars. It made such an impact on my life because it’s being noticed by other people. Especially, my wife.”

- Eric R.


“Hearing about the Kingdom Operating System impacted me so much. This mindset has caused my husband and me to shift our lives into a life of more focus and sabbath time. It has caused us to go from a small dream to an even bigger one that seems more possible than ever!”

- Cindy M.